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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Let’s get divorced

Breaking up may be hard to do, but it’s also an endless source of fascination in American life.
Even as the country’s divorce rate declines, the dissolution of marriage has remained a cultural touchpoint. You see it in how strangers online are constantly telling each other to “divorce him, sis!” and in how we love to parse the very specific, leather-clad look of this country’s “most divorced” men. You see it in how separation trends — each with its own new term — persist, from gray divorce to divorcemoons.
Maybe we’re so interested in divorce because of its proximity to sex and money. Maybe it’s because we’re just nosy. So while October may be one of the most popular months for weddings, we decided to take a look at its inverse.
Most men are walking red flags, according to TikTok.
Why more Americans than ever are splitting up in their 50s and beyond.
The aggressively, brutally companionless divorced guy aesthetic.
Divorced people deserve gifts and parties too.
How to take charge of your finances, according to two divorce professionals.
Millennials are less likely to get divorced than their parents. Why?
